Thursday, September 25, 2008


Why is it that I automatically turn insane when I'm tired? I've realized this can be a problem. I hadn't realized how incapable my brain is until recently. Let me explain. It might humor you...

It's roughly 11:00 at night and not only has the baby NEVER slept well, but Brian and I have become OBSESSED with "The Office" and have been staying up every night to watch every season on DVD. So, here I am getting ready for bed and I DRAG myself into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I really would much rather be curled up in bed with bad breath but I just bought a new kind of toothpaste that I was excited to try out. And there on the counter sat the shiny box of 'Crest:Pro-Health.' This is my thought process:

Whoo hoo!! I can't wait to open the box... I hope the tube is sparkley and pretty.... (no joke, this is what I was thinking)

(fumbles and opens box)

Awww man.. just plain and blue.....

(Squeezes toothpaste onto brush)


(and then I have to chuckle about what just happened)...the toothpaste tasted horrible by the way.

I am seriously out of it when tired. I think I might revert back to a 5 year old as well, which could explain the toothpaste, why I need to get out of bed a million times to go to the bathroom, and why I always need a drink of water on my nightstand. Interesting....

Oh, and P.S. We finished the last episode of season 4 tonight just in time for the new premiere of the office... muah hahahahaha


Twisted Sister said...

LOVE the pictures on the side of your blog. I'm almost embarassed to admit I know you!!! hahahahahah.

Love that you've entered the blogging world, will be stalking you from here on out.

Anonymous said...

as long as its sparkly , who cares what it tastes like! I love the office too- that show kills me! I can't wait to watch the new season! I didn't catch hardly any of the last season..maybe you could hook a girl up?? I was even watching just pieces of it on line!

Mrs.Stone said...

OK so you soo shouldnt feel bad, because we have this same toothpaste and i had the same EXACT thought process when we got it lol. hang in there momma bear i feel your pain, and hey give me a call some time.
love ya

The Henricksen Journal said...

I have to agree with you. You are insane... I will add you to my "private" blog soon! BTW, I had no idea you were such a witty writer! Keep it comin'!


Our Famdango said...

The Office freakin rocks!!! Glad you started a blog!!!! We were beginning to think you were in the Dark Ages!!!

Groverfam said...

I have a feeling we are much more alike than I realized. New toothpaste is the only thing that gets me excited to brush my teeth when I am that tired. I am so glad you are in the blogging world we can keep in touch a bit more often.