Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proud to be an American

WHEW! The election is OVER! On a very happy note... no more having to listen to political rantings, no more phone calls from the Democratic Party asking me if I've voted yet or not (yes, I'm a democrat, sue me). By the way our house recieved 20, I repeat, 20 phone calls from numerous canidates over the past 2 days. That in itself is unpatriotic. I am quite relieved that all this is over. But I have to say that I have been extremely touched by the voter turnout this election. As I worked out this morning on my elliptical I watched the Today show and they were showing clips of people standing in lines to vote. They also showed clips of people all over nation standing by as the electoral votes came in. As they announced Obama's victory, and I watched people celebrate, I couldn't help but start to cry. The fact that we live in a country where we have the freedom to chose our leaders and that people took that power into their own hands and VOTED is amazing to me. And yes, I was on the elliptical balling my eyes out. Heck I can't stop. Gotta burn those calories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay!! Its good to see so many finally caring about our country. I didnt like or dislike either candidate this time so either way I figured something good was bound to come out of it! Im fine with Obama- and the image of you bawling on the elliptical is HILARIOUS..and sweet.