Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Cat Came Back.

I'm just going to start blogging and completely ignore the fact that it's been over a year. I would catch you up, buuuuuut that would take forever. Hopefully someday I can do a little back-blogging and write about the all the "important" events. But for now, you get stuck with my present life. Muahahahaha. I wanted to dedicate my first post back to my oldest and most favorite son ever, Calvin. Here's his story.

Born November 22, 2002, after 29 hours of enjoyable labor, my little 8lb 11oz bundle of joy entered the world. Calvin was always an easy baby (but he was my first, so I didn't know that).

He's always had a love for animals, particularly marine life and reptiles.

He's never been one to be dependent on friends to entertain him. He loves to learn and read. He loves science, and is constantly asking me to help him with "experiments."

It's been really fun as he's gotten older to be around him. He's funny, but not in a "oh, that's cute that he said that, funny." But because he's actually witty. I love that we can just hang out and make each other laugh. He reminds me a lot of my Dad, which is special for me. Not only do they look so much alike, they're personalities resemble each other. Here's a comparison...

He's also an incredible big brother. It comes naturally to him, and he's great with the girls. He loves to make them laugh and will pretty much do it at any cost (including getting in trouble at the dinner table).
I think he'll be a great protector as they get older.

He's always been my child that will eat anything and always twice as much as what I eat. I'm going to hate to see our grocery bill when he's sixteen. He's also playing soccer this year, which has been so much fun to watch. I've always hated soccer, but it's MUCH better when it's your kid that's playing.

Sigh, I love Calvin. He seems to get better and better the older he gets.

1 comment:

Rebecca Davidson said...

I love love love the way you write and absolutely LOVED reading this!! Calvin really is amazing :)