Thursday, October 30, 2008

Headbands, Yogurt Lids, and a Squishy Bath

Let me tell you about the precious knit hats and headbands I encountered at "Hush Baby." I have become obssessed with foliage growing out of my baby's noggin. As you will see below, my infatuation is totally justified.

So, there's good news and bad news. The good news is Kameron is precious and would look heavenly in one of these. Bad news... at this particular place it would cost about $18.50 PLUS TAX to get your hands on one of these. I was shocked (the knit hats were $50!!!!!), so I poked and prodded one as inconspicuously as possible without the store owner flashing me dirty looks. But hey, I figure I can make the same darn thing for a couple of bucks.

After that I ended up pretty grumpy for the rest of the day. I'm not sure if it was because of the headband thing, or if it was because I think I caught the flu from Calvin. My day didn't get any better when Kameron choked this evening. Brian was feeding her crackers in the kitchen while I cooked dinner and she started to choke. I mean she choked. Like she turned blue. And I, in all of my motherly instinct, shoved my finger down her throat to retrieve.... a piece of yogurt lid?!?! I mean I've joked about not vacuuming as often as I should, but REALLY?!?! I felt AWFUL. I decided to make myself and her feel better by taking a bath with her after dinner. This is absolutely one of my favorite things to do. Her sweet skin is so soft and squishy. I love it. My dear husband tells me as soon as I closed the bathroom door Calvin turns to Brian and says, "Whew. Now WE finally get to do what WE want to do." I must be pretty hardcore. ;)

Stay tuned for pictures of Halloween costumes, I sewed Kameron's and it's pretty awesome if I do say so myself....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

toe-tally AWESOME flippin entry today! Lets talk about the headbands- Im sure we could do some good stuff for the said "noggin"
My sister makes cute ones too if you dont want to make one and don't mind spending a couple dollars. Check out the link on the top right of my blog for Sunshine Flowers and Bows or something like that